Monday, November 30, 2009


Set amidst the dense forests at the foothills of the Velliangiri Mountains, is the Dhyanalinga Yogic Temple, the first of its kind to be completed in over 2000 years. Created by a profound mystic and yogi, it embodies the distilled essence of yogic science.

This powerful meditative space does not ascribe to any particular faith or belief system nor does it require any ritual, prayer, or worship.

"Just sitting silently for a few minutes within the sphere of Dhyanalinga is enough to make even those unaware of meditation experience a state of deep meditativeness"
- Sadhguru

The " Dhyanlinga"
The energies of the Dhyanalinga have been consecrated to last for more than 5000 years without any dissipation.

The Architecture :
The elliptical dome that houses the Dhyanalinga is an engineering marvel of 76 feet in diameter and 33 feet high.

It was built without the use of any steel, cement, or concrete but with brick and mud mortar stabilized with lime, sand, alum and herbal additives. It's the only structure of its kind.

The simple technology used is this -- all the bricks are trying to fall down at the same time! But, the way the bricks are aligned and balanced, they can never fall. The nature of this design ensures a lifespan of at least 5000 years for the dome.

The "Dhyanlinga" Dome

It is said that " It was Sadhguru's wish that all the visitors to the temple be allowed directly into the garbhagriha or the sanctum sanctorum. As a result, the garbhagriha had to have a very large free spanning structure. Conventional buildings built of cement, steel and concrete were ruled out, as the life span of such structures is not expected to be beyond a hundred years.

Eventually, it was decided to build a dome using only traditional materials like burnt bricks, mud mortar stabilized with lime, sand, alum and some herbal additives. Huge blocks of granite were extensively used, eliminating steel and concrete.

Twenty-eight energy cubicles called the 'aura cells' are embedded in the inner wall. Each 'aura cell' is approximately 4' x 4' and provides an intimate space for a person to sit and meditate facing the Dhyanalinga.

 The entire design was conceived by Sadhguru and executed by Bhramhachari engineers with the help of about 300 local unskilled laborers. Throughout the duration of the construction, a steady stream of dedicated volunteers participated in the construction in large numbers, taking time off from their work and family to participate in the making of this offering and it took 8 weeks to construct the dome!"

Dhyanlinga Construction:
It is said that " The dome, weighing about 700 tons, measures 33 ft from the ground level and has a diameter of 76 ft at the bottom. Approximately 250,000 bricks were used in making this dome, each of which had to be measured to the millimeter. The first course of brick starts at 13 degrees to the horizontal and the last course ends at an almost vertical angle of 82 degrees to the horizontal. The base of the dome is 20" thick and tapers off to 8" - the thickness of a single brick at the top.

Twenty-eight ventilators are placed on the top of the lintel beams with stone slabs arranged in the shape of the triangle. These triangular stone ventilators at the base of the Dome provide light and ventilation. The central opening is covered by a gold plated Linga-shaped copper dome, which blocks direct light and acts as a ventilator at the top. The copper Linga above the dome vents out hot air from the dome so that the cool air passes in through the vault and ventilators.

Since it was the first time ever that such a large structure was being raised without any form-work, ring-beams, steel or concrete, each aspect of the building had to be worked out afresh, researching and experimenting to derive a safe, viable and feasible methodology for each of the aspects. This often amounted to an interesting blend of ancient and locally available material and techniques.

Burnt bricks were placed in the elliptical shaped dome in positions determined precisely by modern mathematics and verified by computer calculations, granite slabs from traditional quarries went through modern gang saws for precise fitting. For the eighteen months it took to complete the temple from the foundation, the usually quiet and serene surroundings had been transformed into, among other things, a brick kiln and a granite quarry. For the eight weeks it took to construct the dome as such, it resembled a large anthill - hundreds of people going up and down, gradually accomplishing a mission much larger in size and importance than themselves.

The entire structure is a vision of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. The entire design was conceived by Sadhguru and executed by Bhramhachari engineers with the help of about 300 local unskilled laborers. Throughout the duration of the construction, a steady stream of dedicated volunteers participated in the construction in large numbers, taking time off from their work and family to participate in the making of this offering."

The Entrance:

Entrance to "Dhyanlinga" Parikrama.

There is a beautifull Poem written by Sadhguru at the entrance of the Dhyanlinga Parikrama.....

 "You are my Guru's will
My only obsession

In my dreams and my wakefulness
My only longing was to fulfill you

Willing to do anything
That men should and should not
Willing to offer myself and
Another hundred lives if need be

Here now that you have happened
O Glorious One
May your Glory and Grace
Stir the sleeping hordes
Into wakefulness and light

Now that you have happened
 And the gift of life still with me

What shall I do with myself
Have lived the peaks for too long
Time to graze the valleys of life
                                                   - Sadhguru


Sunday, November 29, 2009

"Your Lethargy, Your Prejudice, Your Ignorance are the only ENEMY. . The is no other Enemy"

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sathsang is to go beyond duality of anger, hatred, jealousy, like, dislike. It is just to bask in the light of Enlightened.
 - Sadhguru

Friday, November 27, 2009

"Spiritual process does not mean looking up, or looking down, or looking around. It is about looking inward "

Intensive Inner Engineering with Sadhguru - 02.06.09

I first heard Sadhguruji on the World Space Radio. I loved to hear him..his thoughts..his messages... and that voice.... it was all very devine. This went on for about 3 to 4 months.

 One day when I was travelling by train, I happen to see one of his books " Wisdom of Life" at a bookstall at the railway platform. I  bought it and read it ... read it once and read it again... and that was it..... I just fell in love with him...  I just wanted to know more and read more of his books. I ordered online almost all the books and all his videos. The more I read, the more I fell in love with him....

One day while browsing Isha Yoga Centre's website, I came to know that there was an Inner Engineering program to be conducted in Ahmedabad. I called up the number there for registration. But the dates collided with my previous commitments. I still conveyed my deep desire to meet "Ma Kashyapi" who was there during that program. I met her at Ahmedabad and she suggested to me that  I should do Intensive Inner Enginering program at Coimbatore on 2nd June 2009. Sadhguruji would be himself conducting that program. I had nothing to think.. I just jumped to it... registered my self and my companion with whom I stay and there we were at the Ashram on 2nd June 2009 at 3.00 PM.

But somehow.... due to certain reasons I could not complete the program.... I could justt attend two days.... But those two days were enough to make me experience somethign amazing.....I felt that transformation in me... I felt that energy all around me....It is very difficult to describe. I would just have few words to describe it - One has to expereince it to believe it.....and beleive me its only when you expreince it you realise how much can it do to ones life and well being

I have atached some of the photographs of this program - courtesy: Isha Yoga Centre...

Welcome Dance

Welcome Dance

With Sadhguru in Spandan Hall

Sadhguru During the Program

Satsang With Sadhguruji Outside Spandan Hall

Sadhguru among People

Trekking with Sadhguru

Satsang with Sadhguru amidst the Nature

Sadhguru playing Frisbie

Lunch Time

Monday, November 23, 2009

" Every single act, every single breath, if you make it into a spiritual process, you will see that within a few months, you will be in a completely different space where your presence will be cherished in the world. Not just human beings even plants will respond to you, in a wonderful way. "

" Desire is not the source of misery, unfulfilled desire is misery. The only reason why you can be unhappy is life not happening your way."

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sadhguru - A foreward

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is an Indian yogi and mystic. He is a realized master, yogi and mystic from who embodies the universal truths of the great spiritual masters of east and west, which transcend religious divide. Through public talksand yoga programs, he teaches a unique perspective to all seeking a higher expression of life, inner peace, health and fulfillment.
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev was born in Mysore, Karnataka around 1948. At thirteen, under the tutelage of Shree Raghavendra Ra, or more commonly refered to as Malladihalli Swami, Sadhguru began his studies of yogic practices. Encouraged by his parents, Sadhguru excelled at school; eventually he graduated with a degree from the Mysore University in Karnataka.

At the age of twenty-five, he underwent a deep spiritual experience which was to change the course of his future life. He recalls: " One day I went to the Chamundi hills in the afternoon and sat on a huge rock, my usual place. I sat with my eyes open and after a few minutes, I did not know where I was. I felt myself spread everywhere, no longer bound by my body. I was in the rocks, the trees, and the earth. Everything was me. Tears flowed down my cheek in a torrent. I thought this had lasted for a few minutes. But when I came to, it was late in the evening. I wondered if I had hallucinated, but in the days that followed, this experience recurred and each time it left me in a state of utter bliss. After each such episode, I would not sleep for the next three or four days, nor would I eat. Also the urge to share that bliss with the world grew each time. "

From that day onward, he renounced material prosperity, giving himself over to his mission to share his experience. In 1992, the Sadhguru founded the Isha Yoga Centre and Ashram at the foothills of the sacred Velliangiri Mountains at Poondi near Coimbatore, India.

Sadhguruji is a very rare being, who dares not to conform to the accepted norms just because the majority or the so-called spiritual dictum conforms to it. His teachings are an outpouring of his inner being, which has risen from inner awakening and not derived from books and scriptures. He cares little for scholarly views and embraces Truth and stands by it. No one single description can provide an accurate picture of this realized being whose teachings are simple and pristine. What can happen in this person’s presence, his energy field, is difficult to perceive for those who are confined to just their sense perceptions.